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FNUG Foundations

FNUG Foundations is based on articles that the participants have read in advance and that we discuss at the seminar. It is about developing the basis for how we understand learning and the learner, so that it can contribute to research, teaching and education.

At FNUG Foundations, we focus on research literature. Before each seminar, we carefully read the article which is the focal point of the seminar's in-depth debate.

The seminars take place physically in FNUG's meeting room, but it is also possible to listen online. Students are very welcome.
We start or end with an informal lunch at 12-13 for those who feel like it. Bring your own food.

Detailed programs for the individual seminars are continuously posted here.

Program, FNUG Foundations, spring semester 2024

We are reading Knud Illeris' book 'Kompetence: Hvad, hvorfor, hvordan?' 2nd edition. The first half for the seminar on February 22, and the second half for the seminar on April 25.


Thursday, February 22, at 10-12


You can find the program here



Wednesday, April 24, at 13-15


You can find the program here



FNUG Research Seminars

Participate, also, in FNUG's other research seminars, where FNUG's own researchers or researchers invited from outside give presentations within the themes of subject didactics, research perspectives on the development of teaching at higher education level, STEM education, science communication, teaching aids, professional development and educational innovation.

Read more about FNUG Research Seminars here


Last Updated 11.09.2024