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Welcome to our new PostDoc Morgane Tidiere

She is interested in sex-differences in survival across the tree of life and how to translate this knowledge into management of species. She also conducts projects on assessing management improvement across taxa in zoo populations.

After an International Master in “Ecology and Evolutionary Biology” in France and “Environmental Biology” in Italy where she focused on the relationship between sexual selection strength and senescence variability in males of large ungulate species, Dr. Morgane Tidière made her PhD at the Laboratory of Biometry and Evolutionary Biology in France where she studied the diversity of actuarial senescence across mammals using demographic data from Species360 database.

Her work has, for example, highlighted the species pace of life as an important factor to consider in order to improve the benefit of a mammalian species from captive conditions. Concomitantly to a postdoc at the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (Norway) focusing on the allometric problematic of horn length in bovids, followed by a postdoc at LabEx ECOFECT (France) to highlight the influence of the parasite richness on the evolution of mammalian longevity and senescence, Dr. Morgane Tidière kept a great interest for assessing management improvement across taxa in zoo populations, working on demographic data from ruffed lemurs and tigers living in captivity highlighting management as well as individual factors explaining variability of actuarial and reproductive senescence patterns.

Finally, she is heavily invested in the popular science program “Projet Pangolin”, volunteering in schools, because she is convinced that it is by understanding how nature works that we can protect it.

Projet Pangolin (in french)

Editing was completed: 30.03.2020