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Qpurpose: a Spin-off of QM

Qpurpose navn i neonlys

Qpurpose is a spin-off from QM established in 2022. As a quantum computing solution and service company, Qpurpose develops quantum-enhanced applications across all industries, with a mission to help businesses and organisations navigate the coming quantum industrial revolution. Qpurpose is uniquely positioned to serve the growing market for quantum computing in Denmark.

Qpurpose is now helping a diverse portfolio of businesses and organisations in Denmark to find quantum applications for their operation. They are undertaking projects with a growing number of businesses. Let us here highlight two examples:

  • Ørsted: to provide more efficient algorithms for an energy dispatch optimization case using advanced quantum mathematics tools, and
  • ATP: to simulate the stock market pricing using the latest quantum computing technologies.

Qpurpose believe their experience in quantum computing and their unique end-to-end service will accelerate the value of quantum computing for enterprises today and enable business and society to harness the value of this technology.


Read more on the Qpurpose website

Center for Kvantematematik ved Institut for Matematik og Datalogi på Syddansk Universitet

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Telefon: 6550 7359

Sidst opdateret: 05.02.2024