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New grant from the Velux Foundations

Kathrin Maurer (SDU) and Kristin Veel (KU) have been awarded a core-group program grant from the Velux Foundation with the project “The Aesthetics of Bio-Machines and the Question of Life”

Dear Friends of the Center for Culture and Technology,


We would like to share the good news that we have received a core-group program grant from the Velux Foundations with the project “The Aesthetics of Bio-Machines and the Question of Life”.


Kathrin Maurer from University of Southern Denmark (SDU, Department for Language, Culture, History, and Communication) is the PI, and Kristin Veel from University of Copenhagen (KU, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies) is the Co-PI. The grant is housed at SDU and based on a close collaboration between the Center for Culture and Technology (SDU) and the research hub INTERSECT at Copenhagen (KU). See abstract below. In fall 2023, we will be posting a PhD project in literature and postdoc positions. Check this website and LinkedIn/Facebook. We would like to thank everybody who was supportive and inspiring developing this grant! 


See links: 




With all best wishes, 


Kathrin Maurer


Abstract of the Velux Project (2023-2027)

The Aesthetics of Bio-Machines and the Question of Life 

Today we are immersed in life-like digital technologies, such as virtual assistants, generative computer systems, and adaptive robots. While physicists, engineers, and biologists are speaking about a notion of “life 3.0”, which declares life status to self-learning artificial intelligence, our humanities-based core group will conceptualize life-simulating digital technologies as sensing bio-machines in so far as we argue that their life-like qualities should be understood through the ways in which they perform a techno-mimesis of the sensory capabilities of biological life. We investigate these “life-forms” from an aesthetic angle, focusing on understanding the sensory capabilities of these technologies and the way they are negotiated in literature, art and film in order to advance knowledge about what constitutes being alive. Considering the current planetary crisis (climate change, warfare, inequality), the search for new, integrative, and diverse concepts of life that rethink the status of machines is more than a philosophical task but an ethical responsibility.


Bio-Maskinernes Æstetik og Spørgsmålet om Liv

Vi er i dag omgivet af virtuelle assistenter, selvlærende computersystemer, adaptive robotter og andre digitale teknologier, der udviser en form for liv. Mens fysikere, ingeniører og biologer taler om ”liv 3.0” i forbindelse med selv-lærende kunstig intelligens, vil denne kernegruppe fra en humanistisk og æstetisk vinkel begrebsliggøre digitale teknologier, der simulerer liv, som sansende bio-maskiner. Vi argumenterer for, at de kvaliteter, der gør, at de ligner biologisk liv, bør forstås ved hjælp af en undersøgelse af den måde, de imiterer biologisk livs evne til at sanse omverdenen. Vi undersøger derfor disse ”livsformer” fra en æstetisk vinkel med fokus på teknologiernes evne til at sanse verden og den måde som de fremstilles og forhandles i litteratur, kunst og film med det formål at øge vores viden om, hvad det vil sige at være i live. I lyset af vores planets aktuelle kriser (klimaforandringer, krig og ulighed) er det ikke blot en filosofisk opgave, men et etisk ansvar at gentænke maskinens status og udforske nye, inklusive og diverse begreber for, hvad det vil sige at være i live.



Redaktionen afsluttet: 03.07.2023