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What do Trump, Dylan, and Elsa have in common?

We will explore them all on the DIAS stage at this year's Word Festival in Odense. The DIAS stage hosts nine talks that shed light and offer fresh perspectives on some of the most influential figures and events of our time.

The overarching theme on the DIAS stage is the Unites States of America, with topics including but not limited to Bob Dylan's political wavering, ecofeminist themes in Disney's Frozen films, and Trump's pervasive influence on politics, culture, and perhaps even public health. 

The USA is arguably the world's greatest cultural and political force, and the notion of the American dream and 'the land of the free' has long been a subject of fascination and aspiration, particularly in Denmark. However, the tides seem to be shifting, and time will tell whether Trump's strategic and economic interest in Greenland will strain the historically close relationship between Denmark and the USA. We will delve into this and much more when Word Festival takes place from 31 January to 2 February 2025.

The DIAS stage also features three contributions from the Nordic Humanities Centre, focusing on 'green growth', divorce, and refugee crises from a point of view rooted in the humanities. 

Time and place

You can experience the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) and the Nordic Humanities Centre on the DIAS stage at this year's Word Festival. 
The stage is located in the cosy and historic surroundings of Odense Adelige Jomfrukloster, Albani Torv 6 in Odense C.

Programme for the DIAS stage

Pre-game with DIAS x Word - watch or rewatch our pre-event here

Did your miss our two pre-events in the Fall of 2024?  Watch (or revisit) them both on the streaming platform Zevio. 

Midnights, Madness, and the Feminist Antiheroism of Taylor Swift

With Elly McCausland, literature professor and Taylor Swift expert. 

Watch it here

Ny præsident, ny kurs? USA og verdensordenen

With Sten Rynning, professor, author, and DIAS Director.

Watch it here [in Danish]

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Editing was completed: 15.01.2025