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Økonomisk Institut

Best student paper award

Best Student Paper Award

Who qualifies as a recipient of the award:

The award is given annually to a student who is enrolled in a Ph.D. program at a university in one of the five Nordic countries or in Estonia, or a young researcher who works with a research institute in one of these countries. The Ph.D. student should still be enrolled when the paper is submitted, while a young researcher should have obtained his or her Master's degree (or equivalent) less than 5 years before this date. The student or young researcher has to be a single or first author of the paper in question.
Award Criteria:

An award committee will select the paper that makes the greatest contribution to health economics. The paper's contribution may be theoretical, empirical, methodological, or a combination of these. The recipient of the reward should attend the annual meeting and will be invited to give a 10 minutes presentation at the general session.

Practical information for authors:

The paper should be submitted to the organizing committee for the meeting no later than June 23 2011. The prize will be announced during the annual meeting.The paper should be no longer than 30 pages with font size 12, and 1.5 line of spacing. All financial support for the project should be listed in an Acknowledgement section. The prize does not include a monetary amount.

Expert evaluation committee:

The organizing committee for each year's conference is responsible for selecting an expert committee to evaluate the papers before the meeting. The expert committee consists of at least 3 persons from 3 different countries. An expert is not allowed to evaluate a paper from his/her own university. Experts are also required to declare any conflict of interest. In case of conflict of interest, a new committee member is to be selected. The reviews will be blinded.

Amendments to the rules for Best Student Paper Award made at the NHESG 2011

1) at least three papers need to be submitted for the prize to be given;
2) single authored papers should be given strong priority, and;
3) multiple authored papers must be accompanied by a letter that clarifies the contenders contributions to the paper

Sidst opdateret: 19.07.2022