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Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Biology Education in Danish High Schools

For biologistuderende

Short description of research topic

This project proposal provides opportunities for students who are going to finish their theses during their internship period or who are working already as school teachers. Action research is particularly recommended as a research process for improving one’s own educational practice that involves action, evaluation and reflection. The method helps to gather evidence to implement changes in teaching practice that is based in problem-solving.

So, in action research, the student plays multiple identities at the same time as being a teacher, a researcher, a participant, a facilitator of change, and a problem-solver. It involves continuous problem-definition, action plan and implementation, evaluation and modifications, which can be made easily as the project progresses along with one’s teaching practice development.

Suggested problem statement

There are not any pre-defined problem statements in action research; the researcher themself brings the inquiry or problem-oriented action research as a story to their life.


Chunfang Zhou

Methodological considerations

Action Research, see one of reference, ‘What is Action Research for Classroom Teachers’ (external link)

mød forskeren

Chunfang Zhou er lektor på Forskningscenter for Naturvidenskabelig Uddannelse og Formidling (FNUG)

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Editing was completed: 07.05.2023