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Kristín Björg Arnardóttir



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Kristín is a post-doctoral researcher at POLIMA since January 2024. She has a BSc in physics from The University of Iceland and a MSc in Theoretical physics from Stockholm University. Her PhD is from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and focused on studying strong light-matter coupling in low dimensional solid-state structures. After that she moved to St Andrews, UK to work as a postdoctoral research fellow in the groups of Prof. Jonathan Keeling and Prof. Brendon Lovett at The University of St Andrews. There her  focus turned more towards organic polaritons and open quantum systems. Afterwards, she joined POLIMA to work with Dr Christos Tserkezis on chiral polaritons.

Kristín’s research has been focused on strong light-matter interaction in a variety of systems. She is particularly interested in the transition between semiclassical and quantum regimes, and methods that capture finite size effects in an effective manner.


Kristín Björg Arnardóttir