Seminar on Representation in/of AI with Fabian Offert
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 19.00-20.30 on Zoom
Science Facts/Fictions (SFF): Science Fiction, Robotics Engineering and Policy
SFF invites discussion on the interchange between AI, robot science, and science fiction.
Half-day workshop: “Robot Touch // Touching Robotics”
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Robot-Human Touch
Conference: DATA LIFE
Conference Theme: Exploring the multiple dimensions of data life through critical data studies. 5 Nov. 2024
Culture Machine Vol. 24 Call for Papers: The Aesthetics of Biomachines
Culture Machine Vol. 24 Call for Papers: The Aesthetics of Biomachines. Guest editors: Johan Lau Munkholm, Naja Grundtmann, Kathrin Maurer & Kristin Veel
Conference: The Aesthetics of Bio-Machines and the Question of Life
Over the course of two days, we will bring together a wide range of scholars, researchers and artists who explore life-simulating technologies from an aesthetic perspective.
New book by Joanna Zylinska. Thanks to MIT Press’s Direct to Open program, The Perception Machine is freely available to download - read more here
Call for Papers: The Aesthetics of Bio-Machines and the Question of Life
The core group “Bio-Machines and the Question of Life” (The Velux Foundations) seeks paper proposal for conference in June 13-14, 2024! See the full call for papers here
Kathrin Maurer: The Sensorium of the Drone and Communities
Kathrin Maurer’s book "The Sensorium of the Drone and Communities" has been released with MIT PRESS! And it is open Access!
Theme Issue on Machinic Visions of the Planetary
Our Theme Issue on Machinic Visions of the Planetary is finally out! At a time of increasing challenges that concern our relationship to the environment, we address how new forms of vision and visuality brought forth through technologies reconfigure planetary relations
Book launch: Kathrin Maurer, The Sensorium of the Drone and Communities
Invitation to book launch on November 16, 2023 at 14:00-16:00 (Danish Time, CET) at the University of Southern Denmark
Workshop on Robots in Science Fiction
Workshop on October 26, 2023; 14:00-16:00 (CEST) (HYBRID)
Book Launch: Dominique Routhier, With and Against: The Situationist International in the Age of Automation
October 24 2023 at 7:00 PM
PhD fellowship in literature and AI at SDU
The Department of Culture and Language at the University of Southern Denmark SDU (Odense, Denmark) is offering a fully funded 3-year PhD fellowship commencing February 1, 2024
Two post doc positions at SDU
We are looking for TWO postdocs for our newly started project on “The Aesthetics of Bio-Machines and the Question of Life” funded by The Velux Foundations
New grant from the Velux Foundations
Kathrin Maurer (SDU) and Kristin Veel (KU) have been awarded a core-group program grant from the Velux Foundation with the project “The Aesthetics of Bio-Machines and the Question of Life”
Film Screening and discussion with film director Hans Christian Post (on Zoom) 12 April
The documentary Best in the World takes stock of Copenhagen’s evolution through the eyes of architects, activists and writers to assess what is at stake. A cautionary tale for cities across the world. City leaders and urban planners have in recent years come up with evermore concepts as to how our cities can become better, smarter and more attractive to live in and launched large-scale redevelopment programs in order to achieve this.
The Emerging Horizontality of Desakota Urbanity in Hilly Regions in Southwest China: A Utopia Strategy of The Urban-Rural Sustainable Development in Chongqing
Hongxia Pu
Terraforming Planets, Geoengineering Earth
Jim Fleming
Das Unheimliche in Natur und Technik, untersucht anhand von dänischer und deutscher Gegenwartsliteratur
Sophie Wennerscheid
“Common Good Governance in the Age of Military Artificial Intelligence” Professor Denise Garcia from Northeastern University, Boston
“Aesthetics of Machine Vision” Conference
Automating Visuality: New special issue of MAST The Journal of Media Art
Podcast on Artificial Intelligence and Society
DIAS Assistant Professor in Humanistic aspects of ICT
Postdoctoral position in Ethnography and Cognition
The Department of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 3-year postdoctoral research position starting 1 May 2022. The deadline for applications is 28 February 2022.
Dræbermaskiner er noget, vi leger med
Read article on drones and toys by Dominique Routhier
Why Has Capitalism Run Out of Steam?
Review essay about Smart Machines and Service Work in Los Angeles Review of Books
Drone Imaginaries: The Power of Remote Vision
Read about the new publication "Drone Imaginaries: The Power of Remote Vision" by Andreas Immanuel Graae and Kathrin Maurer.
Value-Sensitive Design of Unmanned Aerial Systems: Using Action Research to Bridge the Theory-Practice Gap
Read Dylan Cawthornes article "Value-Sensitive Design of Unmanned Aerial Systems: Using Action Research to Bridge the Theory-Practice Gap" in International Journal of Technoethics.
Full Automation in its Infancy: The Situationist Avantgarde Book Fin de Copenhague
Dominique Routhier's new article “Full Automation in its Infancy: The Situationist Avantgarde Book Fin de Copenhague” has been published in The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics.
Centre for Culture and Technology
Syddansk Universitet har åbnet sit nye tværfaglige Centre for Culture and Technology. Centret skal se på, hvordan teknologien former kulturen, og kulturen former teknologien. techst har talt med leder af det nye center, Kathrin Maurer, og været til åbningsseminar med Mercedes Bunz fra King's College London.
SDU opretter center for kultur og teknologi
Teknologierne forandrer vores samfund og kultur, og det er der brug for at tale om, undersøge og debattere langt mere, skriver Syddansk Universitet i en pressemeddelelse. Professor MSO Kathrin Maurer leder SDU’s nye Centre for Culture and Technology.
SDU opretter nyt center for kultur og teknologi
Teknologier former vores kultur og samfund – og det skal vi debattere og undersøge langt mere. Det er udgangspunktet for SDU’s nye Centre for Culture and Technology, der åbner 6. november.
Introduction to the Sensorial Experience of the Drone
The members of the DFF project on Drone Imaginaries and Community as well as the DFF research network on Drones and Aesthetics are happy to present their latest theme issue The Sensorial Experience of the Drone published in the journal The Senses and Society.
Achille Mbembe: Den brutale kapitalismes
Publication on Achille Mbembe’s work with a drone-related perspective about the reorganization of modern warfare by Dominque Routhier. This text analyses the relationship between Achille Mbembe’s work, the necropolitics of the drone, and modern warfare.
Games of Drones
Games of Drones is a new Anthology about Drones. In German and English. Publications are based on conference about drones in the Zeppelin Museum in 2019. Chapter by Kathrin Maurer about the aerial view of drones.