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The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) is responsible for teaching course modules on the Bachelor of Science programme in Public Health at SDU. We also give lectures and provide class tuition in other courses of study at SDU, and we organise various PhD courses.   

You can see below which course modules the NIPH is responsible for on the Bachelor of Science programme in Public Health: 

  • Introduction to Public Health (1st semester)
  • Biostatistics (1st semester)
  • Health factors (1st semester)
  • Public health administration (2nd semester)
  • Qualitative methods (2nd semester)
  • Epidemiology (2nd semester)
  • Health history and scientific theory (3rd semester)
  • Process and effect evaluation (5th semester)
  • Demography and public health (5th semester)
  • Advanced biostatistics (5th semester)
  • Preparation for the Bachelor project (5th semester)

In addition, the researchers at the NIPH provide guidance to Bachelor and graduate students in, amongst other things, courses of study in Public Health, as well as education and guidance for PhD students. PhD education is research education at a high international level. You can read about courses of study at SDU’s website here.

Ph.D. Projects

Last Updated 05.03.2024