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Advisory board


The purpose of the NIPH’s Advisory board is to provide guidance to the NIPH’s management regarding the institute's activities, organisation, strategy and development within the four core tasks: research, public services, education and communication.

The NIPH’s Advisory board:

  • Contributes to an academic evaluation of the NIPH's research and public services
  • Provides guidance in connection with the analysis and prioritisation of current and future needs for research, public services, education and communication in the field of public health
  • Provides guidance regarding innovative international research
  • Provides guidance regarding the recipients' need for new initiatives and how research can come into effect and work in practice
  • Discusses future perspectives in connection with the revision of the institute's strategy
  • Helps the institute's activities become known to users, public authorities, foundations and other cooperation partners
  • Provides guidance regarding the funding base and strategy based on knowledge of the institute's financial scope

Board members 2017-2020:

  • Kaare Christensen, Professor, SDU (Chairman)
  • Jakob Krogh, Head of Department, Danish Ministry of Health (Deputy Chairman)
  • Ole Skøtt, Dean, SDU
  • Søren Brostrøm, Director, Danish Health Authority
  • Bente Ourø Rørth, Director, Hillerød Hospital
  • Hanne Agerbak, Head of Division, KL
  • Vibeke Asmussen Frank, Professor and Head of Centre, Aarhus University
  • Annelli Sandbæk, Professor, Aarhus University
  • Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Professor, University of Copenhagen
  • Ruth Frikke-Schmidt, Associate Professor, Rigshospitalet
  • Michael Davidsen, Senior Researcher, NIPH (employee representative)

Last Updated 19.10.2023