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Violence can take different forms and can be committed by authorities or collectives in society, interpersonally or be self-inflicted.

Acts of violence can affect people’s physical health and mental well-being both directly as victims or perpetrators and indirectly as relatives or witnesses. According to World health organization – WHO violence is a widespread public health problem.

At NIPH we conduct research into different types of violence, the prevalence of these and the effect they have on people’s lives – hereunder their health. We explore the meaning relationships and sociocultural contexts have for experiences with violence. We are moreover interested in the theoretical definition of violence as a phenomenon and the typologies of violence.

Methodologically, we work with epidemiological data based on The National Representative Health and Morbidity Studies (SUSY) and qualitative data based on individual interviews, focus group interviews and (participant) observations offline and online.

Our research informs activities at different levels in society from national action plans to courses for practitioners. The goal is to create knowledge that proides the best point of departure for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of violence in society.

Last Updated 21.01.2025