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At the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), we deal with a wide range of health challenges affecting adolescents. We focus on well-being, mental health and school life, as well as on adolescents’ health problems and health behaviour, such as smoking, alcohol, diet and eating habits, sleep, physical activity and obesity.

We are responsible, among other things, for the Youth Profile, which is the largest survey of its kind so far in Denmark, with data from more than 75,000 secondary school students and vocational school students between the ages of 16-20.

We also focus on adolescents with special challenges, such as chronic diseases, and adolescents who have lost a parent or sibling.

We also have many years of experience in developing, testing and evaluating measures and initiatives to provide adolescents with healthy habits and a better everyday life and school life.

At the moment we are working on, among others, initiatives to investigate how to reduce alcohol consumption in secondary schools, how to get youths in vocational schools to smoke less or quit smoking, and how cancer-stricken youths are best helped back to their everyday life and friends after the end of the course of illness.


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Last Updated 21.06.2024