- Hejl, C. D. K., & Petersen, E. N. (2024). Thematic Coherence in Classroom Discourse: A Question Centered Approach. Studies in Philosophy and Education, Springer.
- Hejl, C. D. K., & Qvortrup, A. (2024). Inquiring sustainability through dialogic Video Clubs in upper secondary schools. Environmental Education Research, 1-19.
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- Schou-Juul, F., Jensen, S. S. & Schaffalitzky, C. (2023). Using dialogic teaching to promote student satisfaction and engagement in emergency remote teaching in primary school: a proof-of-concept study. Technology, Pedagogy and Education.
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- Schaffalitzky, C. (2021). Learning to facilitate dialogue: On challenges and teachers’ assessments of their own performance. Educational Studies
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- Schaffalitzky, C., & Bom, A. K. (2021). Philosophical dialogues on Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales: A case study of P4C manuals. Childhood & Philosophy, 17, 1-19
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Hejl, C. K. (2023). Filosofi med børn og dialogisk undervisning. Liv i Skolen, 2/2023, 54-67.
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- Nielsen, A. (2018). Implicitte filosofiopfattelser i undervisningsmaterialer. Filosofi, nr 18 (1), s. 40-44
- Schaffalitzky, C. (2018). Filosofi i Folkeskolen – et nyt projekt ved Syddansk Universitet. Filosofi, nr 18 (1), s. 4-7
- Schaffalitzky, C. (2018). Kan man måle effekten af filosofiske aktiviteter i skolen?. Filosofi, nr 18 (1), s. 45-49
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Video- og radiooptagelser
- Supertanker, Dialog - dialogos - gennem ordet (26. oktober 2021):
- Introduktion til Filosofiske dialoger om FN’s Verdensmål, CoC Playful Minds (September 2021):
- Gyldendal Lærestreger (Marts 2021):