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Center For Learning Computational Thinking


Yasmin Kafai udnævnt til æresdoktor

Af Gitte Alberen, , 01-11-2021

Yasmin Kafai

Professor i Learning Sciences ved University of Pennsylvania, er blevet tildelt titlen æresdoktor ved SDU for sit arbejde med Learning Computational Thinking.


Læs mere om professor Kafais arbejde med Computational Thinking:

Fields, D., Lui, D., Kafai, Y., Jayathirtha, G., Walker, J., & Shaw, M. (2021). Communicating about computational thinking: Understanding affordances of portfolios for Assessing High School Students’ computational thinking and participation practices. Computer Science Education, 31(2), 224–258. 

Kafai, Y., Proctor, C., & Lui, D. (2020). From theory bias to theory dialogue: embracing cognitive, situated, and critical framings of computational thinking in K-12 CS education. ACM Inroads, 11(1), 44–53. 

Redaktionen afsluttet: 01.11.2021