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Tree Sustainable sGreenplay

Sustainable sGreenplay

Our main contributions with the project are to develop knowledge of green film/tv-productions preprocesses and to design and test a “sGreenplay software application” during three sGreenplay workshops. 

Our app will be set to calculate and illustrate the CO2 impact of traditional production standards and show the potential CO2 savings from choosing alternative options and locations. Development of a computational model for optimizing the climate footprint in the Danish film/tv industry, is thus our goal.

SDU researchers

  • Marco Chiarandini, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science. 
  • Luís Cruz-Filipe, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science. 
  • Nathali Pilegaard, PhD student, Department of Media, Design, Education and Cognition, Faculty of Humanities. 
  • Sara Mosberg Iversen, associate professor, Department of Media, Design, Education and Cognition, Faculty of Humanities. 
  • Susana Tosca, Professor, Department of Media, Design, Education and Cognition, Faculty of Humanities.
  • Heidi Philipsen, Associate Professor, Department of Media, Design, Education and Cognition, Faculty of Humanities.