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The video project in Infant Health

In the research project Infant Health, we explore how infants develop in order to gain the necessary knowledge to prevent mental health problems and unhealthy weight development in children.

Video recordings are a suitable method for gaining insight into a little child’s reactions and impulses, and for analysing the child’s behaviour when they are with their parents in everyday circumstances. This provides a reliable picture of the child’s developmental behaviour.

We therefore ask participating families to also participate in a video project, which is a sub-project in Infant Health, in which families participate by recording and submitting two videos: one video of the child eating with one parent and one video where the child is playing with one parent.

There are large differences in how children play and eat. Sometimes it goes well and other times it can be more difficult – both are quite common.

So no matter how a child plays or eats, video recordings are valuable because they help child researchers, community health nurses and parents learn more about infants’ development.

Parents participating in Infant Health will receive an information leaflet in their e-Boks shortly before their child turns two years old. The leaflet contains instructions for how to record the two videos as well as links to upload the videos.

All videos are uploaded to a secure drive on the University of Southern Denmark’s server, which only a few researchers from the project have access to. We treat the videos confidentially and comply with all data protection rules.

When the results of the project are published, all data is anonymised and no persons will be recognisable.

If you have any questions about the video project, you are welcome to contact us at

Last Updated 19.10.2023