Two new professors
International top researchers have joined the Centre for Quantum Mathematics. QM has been able to attract the renowned mathematicians, Prof. Christof Geiss from UNAM, Mexico and Prof. Vivek Shende from University of California, Berkeley.
The two international top researchers Christof Geiss and Vivek Shende have from the fall of 2020 been employed in permanent positions as professors at QM.
Christof Geiss comes from a permanent position as professor at UNAM, Mexico. His research interests are within representation theory. His list of publications is long ranching from classical structure theory of finite dimensional algebras over categorical aspects and combinatorial results to deep theorems in representation theory. Geiss was invited speaker at ICM 2018 and has many articles in the absolute best journals in mathematics.
Vivek Shende comes from an assistant professor position at University of California, Berkeley. He is a geometer with quantum interests and has written influential papers touching on many subjects, from quantum computation to representation theory to algebraic geometry. He is best known for his work connecting enumerative geometry to quantum knot invariants and for his work on microlocal sheaf methods in symplectic geometry. A true young international rising star in the field of mathematics.
“These are two international superstars within pure mathematics, and we feel very fortunate to have drawn them to QM” says the QM Center Director, Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen.