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Research - Department of Business & Management



Education provided by the strategic communication unit

All education and programs provided by the strategic communication unit, from bachelor to doctoral-level education, is grounded in state-of-the-art research within the field and neighboring fields. In our courses, we inspire, provoke and develop new types of answers and approaches to conventional issues and point out limita¬tions and problems not acknowledged previously.

In our teaching, we aim for quality in content as well as in form. We are very committed to our teaching activities at all levels. Our teaching is evaluated very positively by our students, always in the highest quartile. While we gradually aim to expand our portfolio of communication courses, we take pride in maintaining our high level of quality in content and form.

The unit currently supplies the following courses:

HA-valgfag: Markedskommunikation
HA: Markedskommunikation & Reklame
Cand.merc: Corporate Communication, engl.
Negot: Integrated Marketing Communications; engl.
Negot: Human Resource Management
Medievidenskab: Aktuel Mediebrug 4. sem.
Medievidenskab: Org. Kom. Og Videnledelse I & II
HD-A: Markedskommunikation – Odense
HD-A: Markedskommunikation – Kolding
HD: Human Resource Management og Organisationsadfærd
Tilvalg i MB&K: Medievalg og Planlægning
Tilvalg i MB&K: Organisationsforståelse + Analyse
Tilvalg i MB&K: Intro to Markting og Erhvervsøkonomisk Metode
IVK: Corporate Communication
MBA – flex: Strategisk Kommunikation
Master i Offentlig Ledelse: Strategisk Kommunikation
E-MBA: Corporate Communication og forandringskommunikation

Last Updated 16.08.2016