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Digital Democracy Centre

Citizens, digitalisation, and AI (CDAI)

What are citizens’ attitudes and opinions about digitalization and Artificial Intelligence? What are their fears and hopes? What are their knowledge levels and uncertainties? The CDAI project aims to investigate Danish citizens' attitudes towards digitalisation, algorithms, and AI, as well as their impact on democracy, by mapping public opinion over time and comparing it internationally. The project is based on repeated cross-sectional surveys data collected in several waves, with each wave having its own specific focus area. 



First report

The first report from the CDAI-project 'Danskernes digitale forståelse, digitale kompetencer og digitale adfærd', investigates Danes' digital literacy, digital skills, and digital safety, as well as their trust in algorithms. Learn more about digital inequality, Danes' trust in algorithms, and read the report  HERE


Second report

The second report from the CDAI-project ‘Danskernes brug af de sociale medier som nyhedskilder’ examines Danes’ use of social media news sources. To learn more about Danes' use of social media news sources, read the report HERE


Third report

The third report from the CDAI-project ’Digitaliseringen af den demokratiske samtale – og deltagelsen i politiske diskussioner online’ explores the digitalisation of the public sphere. Here we investigate Danes' attitudes, fears, and hopes regarding the digitalization of the public sphere, as well as their political engagement on social media. Learn more about Danes' participation in political discussion online as well as their attitudes towards the digitalisation of the public sphere, and read the report HERE


Fourth report

The fourth report from the project explores Danes attitudes towards artificial intelligence, as well as their AI literacy and use of generative AI tools. Learn more about Danes' public opinion towards AI in the fourth report from the CDAI-project HERE




Mia Stenbro Lorenzen (



Last Updated 02.10.2024