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What is CITCO?

CITCO Elite Research Center

CITCO is an elite research centre at Odense University Hospital and the University of Southern Denmark, inaugurated in February 2020, and received a startup grant of 14 million Danish kroner for the period 2020-2024.
The mission is to advance cell-based cancer immunotherapy in Denmark through close collaboration between the Department of Haematology and the Clinical Immunology Department in Odense. The visions are to identify new targets, improve the performance and safety of CAR-T cells, and introduce new CAR-T therapies in clinical practice. CITCO has organized itself with relevant clinical partners to create optimal conditions for offering advanced cellular cancer treatment with CAR-T cells to patients with lymphoma or multiple myeloma. Furthermore, CITCO has a strong research collaboration with various academic and non-academic partners nationally and abroad. Our network includes colleagues in the recently established Danish CAR-T cell network (DCTN) under the Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center (DCCC) as well as international partners in Oxford, London, Boston, Regensburg, Oslo, and Barcelona.

Head of CITCO:
Professor, Torben Barington
Department of Clinical Immunology
Odense University Hospital

Last Updated 23.02.2024