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PhD Oral Defence Session - Rikke Vognbjerg Sydenham

PhD Oral Defence Session - Rikke Vognbjerg Sydenham

PhD Oral Defence Session - Rikke Vognbjerg Sydenham. Title: "Antibiotic prescribing in Danish general practice: Determinants for use of diagnostic tests and prescribing"

Title: "Antibiotic prescribing in Danish general practice: Determinants for use of diagnostic tests and prescribing"

PhD Oral Defence Session

Date and time: 28-05-2021 at 14:00


Committee of Examiners:
Professor Morten Lindbæk, Departement of General Practice, University of Oslo
Associate Professor Anne Møller, The Research Unit for General Practice, University
of Copenhagen

Professor Niels Nørskov-Lauritsen, Mikrobiologisk afd. OUH, University of Southern
Denmark (chair)

Main supervisor:
Ass. Professor Line Bjørnskov Pedersen, Department of Public Health,
University of Southern Denmark

Redaktionen afsluttet: 27.05.2021