Global Phosphorus Challenge I - Interdisciplinarity
This course began in 2021 and ran through February 2023, and included discussions, evening events, group research and presentations, and a group presentation to the RecaP Consortium. The idea behind Transdisciplinarity is to incorporate aspects of multiple professional topics and fields throughout the lifetime of the research project.
Facilitated by Dana Cordell and Brent Jacobs from University of Technology Sydney. In this five-part activity, ESRs collaboratively developed a coherent set of five pathways to lead the EU to a sustainable and circular phosphorus economy; i.e. what are the set of strategic steps needed related to technology, policy, markets, knowledge and stakeholder engagement to promote system transition. Each group investigated one theme, and developed pathways in an Action / Experiential Learning approach! This involved Problem Based Learning where ESRs self-directed the research in small groups to formulate the problem definition, articulate relevant research questions and undertake collaborative research.
GPC I, part 1
Saturday, 11 December - Monday, 13 December 2021: Training programme introduction, P stakeholder activities, GAS Group assignments
GPC I, part 2
Friday, 20 May 2022: Strategic Communication, TED-Ed and JOCUR collaborations

GPC I, part 3
Tuesday, 8 November: Introduction on Transition Pathways and Briefing of assignment
Wednesday, 16 November 2022: Check-in during the RecaP ESR Writing Retreat
Tuesday, 29 November 2022: Group presentations on preliminary findings and team feedback
Tuesday, 13 December 2022: Presentations to the RecaP Consortium, professional advice and critiques
Reporting activity
Monday, 16 January 2023: 1st draft due to UTS colleagues
Monday, 20 February 2023: 2nd draft due to WP7 team
Tuesday, 28 February: Submit report as Deliverable 8.4