Upcoming Events
June 2024 - Final RecaP Symposium
The final gathering for the RecaP Consortium (All partners and students) will be held in Vienna, 12-13 June 2024. Others interested in participating should contact Jake (jare@sdu.dk).
12 June - Guest speakers share insight and expertise on P-stocks and optimisation, Carbon farming, Agricultural Trade, Handling & Selling BBFs, PMT/vPvMs as barriers, Sludge recyclability by thernal treatments, and Case Studies of BBFs: Production and Use
13 June - Final ESR presentations and RecaP Closing Remarks
Previous Events
April 2024 - NERM - Nutrients in Europe Research Meeting
RecaP ESRs participated in NERM! NERM was organised by ESPP, FERTIMANURE, LEX4BIO, RUSTICA, SEA2LAND and WALNUT. The focus of this event was to close nutrient cycles for a sustainable future, from R&D to implementation.
- key outcomes of recent nutrient recycling R&D under Horizon 2020, LIFE, Interreg and other programmes
- roadmap for future nutrient recycling R&D needs
- nutrient recovery technologies and recycled fertiliser production
- quality, application and use, stakeholder acceptance of secondary fertilisers
- from nutrient recovery to market
Plus PhD (RecaP ESRs!) participated in a mini-symposium and site visits (on-farm and sewage treatment nutrient recovery sites).

March 2024 - Global Phosphorus Challenge III - Agriculture
The 4th and final Global Phosphorus Challenge training week was held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. The theme involved agriculture and food systems, with a one day symposium open to others.
21 February, 2024 -Brian Chambers Award - virtual presentations
ESR 8 was selected as a winner of the Brian Chambers Award in , and shared a presentation on his poster. A recording of the submission can be found at https://fertiliser-society.org/brian-chambers-international-award/the-2023-brian-chambers-award/.
21 - 24 January, 2024 - RecaP ESR Writing Retreat II
ESRs are invited to a Writing retreat in Odense, Denmark at the beautiful Svanninge Bjerge station. ESRs will implement learned writing tips from the first retreat, share tips and tricks with each other on new methods, collaborate on joint manuscripts, and of course have some fun!
27 - 31 March, 2023 - Global Phosphorus Challenge II - Environment
This workshop brought together the RecaP Consortium for the second time. ESRs participated in several training courses that culminated in individual impact presentations for the RecaP project. On Thursday, 30 March 2023, RecaP hosted an open symposium on Delivering societal impact from environmental research.
8 & 29 November, 13 December 2022 - Global Phosphorus Challenge I, Activity 5 -Transition Pathways
In this three-part virtual activity, ESRs collaboratively develop a coherent set of five pathways to lead the EU to a sustainable and circular phosphorus economy. That is, what are the set of strategic steps needed related to technology, policy, markets, knowledge and stakeholder engagement to promote system transition. Each group investigates one theme, then present findings to a RecaP audience. To develop these pathways, the activity will take an Action Learning / Experiential Learning approach – that is, learn by doing! Students may have an opportunity to progress their group work in person if attending the November retreat (14-18 Nov). A final collaboration activity was drafted in January 2023 and submitted in February 2023. The consortium continues to discuss output opportunities for this work.
14 - 18 November, 2022 - RecaP ESR Writing Retreat
ESRs were invited to a Writing retreat in Odense, Denmark at the beautiful Svanninge Bjerge station. 10 ESRs learned writing tips and spent focused time drafting and writing manuscripts related to their projects.
25 April, 2022 - Project Management Workshop 6 - Steering Committee Presentations
This workshop will take place virtually over Zoom. Homework is to prepare for the upcoming Steering Committee presentations at the WETSUS campus in May 2022.
16-20 May, 2022 - Global Phosphorus Challenge IV - Waste
This workshop brought together the RecaP Consortium for the first time. ESRs presented their project and all project members had an opportunity to network and share upcoming plans and secondment strategies. Tuesday, 17 May was open to other P-project participants.
14 March, 2022 - Project Management Workshop 5 - Time Estimation
This workshop helped ESRs identify strategies to realistically anticipate time needs for publishing project results. Students also practiced pitching their project to non-academic audiences and one another for strategic feedback and support.
8 February, 2022 - Project Management Workshop 4 - Risk Analysis
This workshop helped ESRs identify possible risks and setbacks to reaching goals and deliverables related to scientific and administrative aspects of their project. Additional support provided for effective risk mitigation strategies and informing important stakeholders or (un)expected project delays.

6 January, 2022 - Project Management Workshop 3 - Milestone Planning
During this workshop, ESRs identified key components needed to achieve success in their project, and highlight these aspects as 'milestones.' Should a project not reach a given milestone on time, ESRs must consider the impact this has on project timeline and other important deliverables throughout their three year project.
11 - 14 December, 2021 - Global Phosphorus Challenge I -Transdisciplinarity, Activities 1 - 4
The RecaP ESRs attended a retreat to commence the first 4 activities in the GPC Module I - Transdisciplinarity. Additional time was devoted to launch ESR engagement in project subgroups, and ESRs visited the Krüger company office in Copenhagen for Company Day I in the RecaP Project.
7 December , 2021 - Project Management Workshop 2 - Stakeholder Analysis
This workshop helped ESRs identify relevant stakeholders and consider their position in a power/influence v. involvement chart. Homework was to complete readings from setting goals and success criteria to ensure project timeline and follow through on deliverables.
30 November, 2021 - Project Management Workshop 1 - Goal Charts and Hierarchy
This workshop provided tools for all ESRs to map their project goals into deliverables, success criteria, and overall aim. There was no homework for this workshop; students are expected to complete and share their map at the next workshop.
8-12 November, 2021 - Early Stage Research Welcome & Kick-off Meetings
This series of meetings took place over Microsoft Teams, as COVID restrictions prevented large group gatherings. ESRs were introduced to the core tenets of the RecaP project, expectations, MSCA actions and rights, upcoming trainings, and an opportunity to meet project partners across 10 different countries and 23 different institutions.
9 September, 2021 - RecaP joins the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP)
From ESPP Newsletter 58
The RecaP project, an H2020 MSCA-ITN led by University of Southern Denmark (SDU), will train 15 PhD students with support from 23 industrial and research organizations in 10 countries. RecaP stands for “Capture, recycling and societal management of phosphorus in the environment” and aims to contribute to sustainable phosphorus changes across the globe. Our international collaboration addresses the world's changing Phosphorus needs by creating a new generation of Phosphorus specialists to become ‘knowledge brokers’ across disciplinary silos with their interdisciplinary skills, experience and networks, ensuring transformative changes in P sustainability in the EU. RecaP will not just explore the technical aspects of the global P challenge, but also where such solutions can be implemented in a way that is socially, economically, and environmentally acceptable. The 15 PhD projects fall into one of five themes: the capture and recycling of P from wastewater and freshwater systems, novel P recovery techniques, strategies to improve crop utilization of P, novel freshwater restoration techniques, and barriers and enablers to policy and economic transformation to support recycling. All activities are connected to one another in order to create novel insights that can help create new P governance.
By becoming a member of the ESPP, RecaP joins the strong collaboration of partners contributing to a long-term vision for phosphorus sustainability in Europe and the world.
Read more from the ESPP, here.
2 June, 2021 - 4th Phosphorus in Europe Research Meeting (PERM);
European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform
13 April, 2021 - Project Kick-off Meeting
The RecaP Project members all met for the first time to share insight and plans for the upcoming year, including the recruitment process for 15 PhD positions. More about the positions can be found here.