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News and Announcements




Dec 15

Alexander Schandlbauer presented the paper "Employee health and firm performance" at the 1st NFA workshop on Working Environment Economics.

Oct 1

Alexander Schandlbauer presented the paper “Countercyclical capital buffers and credit supply: Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis” co-authored with Özlem Dursun-de Neef and Colin Wittig at the 28th Annual meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF).

Oct 1

Alexander Schandlbauer presented the paper “Employee health and firm performance” co-authored with Daniel Rettl and Mircea Trandafir at the 28th Annual meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF).

August 27

The paper "Pricing interest rate derivatives under volatility uncertainty” by Julian Hölzermann (SDU & DFI) has been published by the Annals of Operations Research.

June 2

The paper “COVID-19, bank deposits, and lending” by H. Özlem Dursun-de Neef (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Alexander Schandlbauer (SDU&DFI) has been published by the Journal of Empirical Finance.



 Oct 1


Christian Riis Flor and Steffen Meyer will present their papers at the annual meeting of  the German Finance Association (DGF) in Innsbruck (Austria).

 June 15


The Journal of Financial Economics publishes the paper on the effect of ambiguity about volatility on the trading behavior of private investors by Steffen Meyer (SDU & DFI), Dimitrios Kostopolous (SDU) and Charline Uhr (SDU & DFI).

 June 10


The Journal of Finance has accepted a paper for publication on "Individual Responses to Realized Gains and Losses" by Steffen Meyer (SDU & DFI) and Michaela Pagel (Columbia Business School).

 June 6


The Review of Financial Studies has accepted a paper for publication on "Consumption Imputation Errors in Administrative Data" by Scott Baker (Kellogg), Lorenz Kueng (SI Università della Svizzera italiana), Steffen Meyer (SDU & DFI) and Michaela Pagel (Columbia Business School).

 June 3

6th SDU Finance Workshop

April 29 - 30

Steffen Meyer will present the paper “How Do Retail Investors Respond to the Zero Lower Bound?“ co-authored with Michaela Pagel (Columbia Business School), Alexander Schandlbauer (SDU) and Charline Uhr (SAFE) at the 2021 Bundesbank PHF Household Finance Conference.

 March  28 -  31


Steffen Meyer will present the paper “How Do Retail Investors Respond to the Zero Lower Bound?“ co-authored with Michaela Pagel (Columbia Business School), Alexander Schandlbauer (SDU) and Charline Uhr (SAFE) at the 2021 Swiss Winter Conference on Financial Intermediation.



 Dec 7

The paper "How Does Household Spending Respond to an Epidemic? Consumption during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic" by  Scott R. Baker, Robert A. Farrokhnia, Steffen Meyer (SDU), Michaela Pagel, and Constantine Yannelis has been published by the Review of Asset Pricing Studies.

 Dec 5 - 6

Christian Riis Flor presented the paper „Callable or Convertible Debt? Debt Overhang and Covenants” co-authored with Alexander Schandlbauer and Kristine Boye Petersen at the 2020 meeting of the World Finance and Banking Symposium.

June 20

The paper “The Consumption Effects of the Disposition to Sell Winners and Hold Losers” by Benjamin Loos, Steffen Meyer and Michaela Pagel will be presented at the Western Finance Association Meetings.

June 11

5th SDU Finance Workshop

May 27

Steffen Meyer will present the paper “The Consumption Effects of the Disposition to Sell Winners and Hold on to Losers“ co-authored with Michaela Pagel (Columbia Business School) and Benjamin Loos (UTS Sydney) at the 2020 SFS Cavalcade North America conference, hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

May 26

Steffen Meyer will present the paper “Smoking hot portfolios? Self-control and investor decisions“ co-authored with Charline Uhr and Andreas Hackethal (both Goethe University Frankfurt) at the 2020 SFS Cavalcade North America conference, hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

April 3

Steffen Meyer will present the paper “Same bank, same clients but different pricing: How do flat-fees for mutual funds affect retail investor portfolios?” at Meetings of Swiss Finance Association (SGF).

March 30

Steffen Meyer will present the paper “Same bank, same clients but different pricing: How do flat-fees for mutual funds affect retail investor portfolios?” at the 19th Cologne Colloquium on Financial Markets in Cologne.



July 11-12

27th Finance Forum (in Madrid). Paper: "Private Equity Acquisitions and Strategic Buyers: Information Discounts versus Synergies".

July 10

Kirstine Boye Petersen will present the paper “The capital structure choice under rational inattention” at the 27th Finance Forum, PhD Consortium, Madrid.

June 12-14

4th SDU Finance Workshop

May 29-31

The 28th EBES Conference – Coventry, UK.  Papers: 1) "Private Equity Acquisitions and Strategic Buyers: Information Discounts versus Synergies", 2) "Detecting Determinants of Capital Structure".

May 21

Kirstine Boye Petersen will present the paper “The capital structure choice under rational inattention” at the 2019 PhD Nordic Finance Workshop at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki.

May 21 

Steffen Meyer will present the paper "The Consumption Response to Realized Capital Gains: Evidence from Mutual Fund Liquidations" at SFS Cavalcase North America 2019.

 May 19

Steffen Meyer will present the paper "Smoking Hot Portfolios? Self-Control and Investor Decisions" at 2019 Boulder Summer Conference on Consumer Financial Decision Making.

April 13

Thiago de Oliveira Souza will present the paper “Red tape asset pricing” at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Finance Association in Miami.

April 12

David Florysiak will present the paper “Capital Market Access and Cash Flow Allocation During The Financial Crisis” at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Finance Association in Miami, USA.

March 15

David Florysiak will present the paper “The Information Content of ICO White Papers” at the Second Toronto FinTech Conference in Toronto, Canada.

March 12

David Florysiak will present the paper “The Information Content of ICO White Papers” at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in Milwaukee, USA.

March 9

David Florysiak will present the paper “The Information Content of ICO White Papers” at the Midwest Finance Association 2019 Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA.

February 27

David Florysiak will present the paper “The Information Content of ICO White Papers” at the University of Munich (LMU) Workshop, 2019, Austria.

February 19

Thiago de Oliveira Souza’s paper “Time-varying factor risk and price of risk premiums: Macro-finance and factor timing” was mentioned on Yahoo Finance in the article "Swedroe: Time Varying Factor Premiums".



November 29

Thiago de Oliveira Souza will discuss the paper “Sentiment across asset markets” at the Young Scholars Nordic Finance Workshop 2018 at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Bergen, Norway.

November 20

Framework grant from Danish Reserach Council DKK  287,565 DKK. Title: The Firm's Life Cycle - Investment and Financing Decisions. Christian Riis Flor, Stefan Hirth and Alexander Schandlbauer.

November 15

3rd SDU Finance Workshop

October 12

David Florysiak will present the paper "Managerial Optimism and the Perception of Financial Constraints" at the 2018 FMA Annual Meeting in San Diego, USA.

October 11

Thiago de Oliveira Souza will be discussing the paper “A Non-Parametric Test For Representative Agent Pricing” at the 2018 FMA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

September 22

David Florysiak will be presenting the paper “An Autopsy of a Total Stock Market Failure” at the 25th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), in Trier, Germany.

September 20

Stefan Hirth will be presenting the paper “Do Intangible Assets Affect M&A Deal Value? Evidence from China's Mixed-ownership Reform” at the Corporate Finance Day, in Antwerp, Belgium.

September 3

Charlotte Sun Clausen-Jørgensen has received Erik Hoffmeyer's Travel Grant for 50,000 DKK.

August 1

Charlotte Sun Clausen-Jørgensen is visiting Stockholm School of Economics until the end of October.

June 27-30

Christian Riis Flor will be presenting the paper “Detecting Determinants of Capital Structure" at the European Financial Management Association 2018 Annual Meetings, Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Spain.

June 26-29

David Florysiak will be presenting the paper “Capital Market Access and Cash Flow Allocation During the Financial Crisis” at the 5th Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE), in Montreal, Canada.

June 24-27

Christian Riis Flor will be presenting the paper “Detecting Determinants of Capital Structure" at the 25th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Budapest, Hungary.

June 14-15

David Florysiak will be presenting the paper “Managerial Optimism and the Perception of Financial Constraints” at the Behavioural Finance Working Group (BFWG) conference at Queen Mary University of London, in London, UK.

May 22-24

David Florysiak will be presenting the papers “An Autopsy of a Total Stock Market Failure” and “Managerial Optimism and the Perception of Financial Constraints” at the 35th Annual Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), in Paris, France.

April 11-14

Christian Riis Flor will be presenting “Entering a New Market: First-Mover Advantages and Risk Dynamics under Market Uncertainty” and Kirstine Boye Petersen will be presenting “Detecting Determinants of Capital Structure” at the 54th Meeting of the Eastern Finance Association (EFA).

April 6

David Florysiak will be presenting the paper “Capital Market Access and Cash Flow Allocation During the Financial Crisis” at the annual conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF), in Zurich, Switzerland.

March 13

David Florysiak will be presenting "A Detailed Look at a Total Stock Market Failure" in the research seminar at WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management.

March 2

David Florysiak will be presenting the papers “Capital Market Access and Cash Flow Allocation During the Financial Crisis” and “Managerial Optimism and the Perception of Financial Constraints” at the Midwest Finance Association 2018 Annual Meeting, in San Antonio, USA.

March 2

Thiago de Oliveira Souza will be presenting the paper “Size-related premiums” at the Midwest Finance Association 2018 Annual Meeting, in San Antonio, USA.

January 30

Thiago de Oliveira Souza gives a Brush up course for the teachers at Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt entitled “The current paradigm in asset pricing”.


David Florysiak teaches the Master’s course “Advanced Risk Management” at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.




David Florysiak teaches the Master’s course “Advanced Risk Management” at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

November 26

Deadline for job market application

November 23

Thiago de Oliveira Souza presents and Stefan Hirth discusses at NFN workshop in Aarhus.

November 17

PhD defence by Mark Raun Moritzen

 November 16

2nd SDU Finance Workshop

 October 24

David Florysiak presents "A Detailed Look at a Total Stock Market Failure" in the business and economics research seminar at the University of Salzburg.

October 6

German Finance Assocation's Annual Meeting. Presentations by Christian Riis Flor and Stefan Hirth.

September 1

New hires from academic year 2017-18: David Florysiak, Stefan Hirth, Mo Zhang.

September 1

Adrian Profir joins the Finance Group as Research (Student) Assistant.

August 23

Thiago de Oliveira Souza discusses "Disaggregated sales and stock returns" at EFA.

August 23

Kirstine Boye Petersen participates in the 6th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences.

June 27

Paper "Rating Under Asymmetric Information: Inflation Despite Best Intentions", co-authored by Stefan Hirth, is presented at WFA conference.

April 29

Paper "How do financial institutions react to a tax increase?" by Alexander Schandlbauer is published in the Journal of Financial Intermediation.

April 1

New hire of PhD student: Charlotte Sun Clausen-Jørgensen.

March 1

Mark Raun Moritzen presents his paper "The Impact of Competition and Time-to-Finance on Corporate Cash Holdings" (joint with Alexander Schandlbauer) at the annual meeting of the Midwest Finance Association in Boston.

January 1

Kirstine Boye Petersen is visiting Sauder Business School, UCB, Vancouver until summer 2017.



September 30

Alexander Schandlbauer presented his paper "The Causal Relationship between Bank Capital and Loan Supply" at the anual conference of the German finance association (DGF).

September 1

Mark Raun Moritzen visits Columbia University until winter 2016.

April 8

Alexander Schandlbauer presents his paper "Do Covenants Prevent Asset Substitution - Using a Novel Estimation Approach" at the annual conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF).

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Last Updated 10.07.2024