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Research Unit of General Practice

Collaborations and publications




Articles on when video consultations are used in general practice during daytime and out-of-hours: 

Larrabee Sønderlund, A., Quirina Bang Van Sas, T., Wehberg, S., Huibers, L., Nielsen, J. B., Søndergaard, J., & Assing Hvidt, E. (2024). Development of a Video Consultation Patient-Satisfaction Questionnaire (vCare-PSQ): A Cross-Sectional Explorative Study. JMIR Formative Research, 8, e58928.

Kirk, U. B., Høstrup Vestergaard, C., Hammer Bech, B., Bondo Christensen, M., Kallestrup, P., & Huibers, L. (2024). Video consultation in general practice during COVID-19: a register-based study in Denmark. BJGP Open, 8(2).

Nebsbjerg, M. A., Bomholt, K. B., Vestergaard, C. H., Christensen, M. B., & Huibers, L. (2024). Reasons for encounter in video contacts at a Danish out-of-hours primary care service: a questionnaire study. BMJ Open, 14(10), e086716.

Nebsbjerg, M., Bomholt, K., Vestergaard, C., Christensen, M., & Huibers, L. (2024). What is the added value of using video in out-of-hours primary care? A survey among general practitioners. JMIR Med Inform.

Kirk, U. B., Payne, R., Tweedie, J. A., & Huibers, L. (2024). 'A tool for every job': use of video in urgent primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 74(747), 443-444.


Articles on how video consultations affect patient satisfaction:

Assing Hvidt, E., Christensen, N. P., Grønning, A., Jepsen, C., & Lüchau, E. C. (2022). What are patients’ first-time experiences with video consulting? A qualitative interview study in Danish general practice in times of COVID-19. BMJ Open, 12(4), e054415. 

Bavngaard, M. V., Lüchau, E. C., Assing Hvidt, E., & Grønning, A. (2023). Exploring patient participation during video consultations: A qualitative study. Digit Health, 9, 20552076231180682. 

Larrabee Sønderlund, A., Quirina Bang Van Sas, T., Wehberg, S., Huibers, L., Nielsen, J. B., Søndergaard, J., & Assing Hvidt, E. (2024). Development of a Video Consultation Patient-Satisfaction Questionnaire (vCare-PSQ): A Cross-Sectional Explorative Study. JMIR Formative Research, 8, e58928. 

Van den Heuvel, J., Assing Hvidt, E., Dahl-Larsen, R., Thomsen, J. L., & Hoffmann Merrild, C. (2024). Patient-initiated video consultations: A qualitative study on reasons for patient-booking in Danish general practice. Digit Health, 10, 20552076241288637. 

Nebsbjerg, M. A., Bomholt, K. B., Christensen, M. B., Huibers, L., & Assing Hvidt, E. (2024). How do parents experience video triage when seeking care for their acute ill children? A qualitative study in a Danish out-of-hours primary care setting. BMJ Open, 14(10), e084656.


Articles on how the doctor-patient relationship and interpersonal contact are affected during video consultations:

Kofod, F. G., Assing Hvidt, E., Arreskov, A. B., & Guassora, A. D. (2024). Interpersonal contact and altered sensory conditions in video consultation – a qualitative interview study in Danish general practice. Scand J Prim Health Care, 1-9.

Kofod, F. G., Søndergaard Christensen, A.-M., Assing Hvidt, E., Arreskov, A. B., & Guassora, A. D. (2024). Space, Time, and Presence in Video Consultations: an Interview Study in Danish General Practice. BMC Primary Care, Accepted.

Assing Hvidt, E., & Olesen, F. (2024). Empati og digitale konsultationer i sundhedspraksis. In A.-M. S. Christensen, L. Huniche, L. Nielsen, & E. N. Petersen (Eds.), Sundhedsfilosofi i praksis. Syddansk Universitetsforlag.

Assing Hvidt, E., Kofod, F. G., van den Heuvel, J., & Scheffmann-Petersen, M. (2024). The obscured face in video consultations. A Levinasian analysis. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, submittet.

Nordtug, M., Assing Hvidt, E., Lüchau, E. C., & Grønning, A. (2022). General Practitioners' Experiences of Professional Uncertainties Emerging from the Introduction of Video Consultations in General Practice: A Qualitative Study. JMIR Formative Research.


Articles on implementation of video consultations in Danish general practice:

Assing Hvidt, E., Atherton, H., Keuper, J., Kristiansen, E., Lüchau, E. C., Lønnebakke Norberg, B., Steinhäuser, J., van den Heuvel, J., & van Tuyl, L. (2023). Low Adoption of Video Consultations in Post-COVID-19 General Practice in Northern Europe: Barriers to Use and Potential Action Points. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e47173.

Kirk, U. B., Høstrup Vestergaard, C., Hammer Bech, B., Bondo Christensen, M., Kallestrup, P., & Huibers, L. (2024). Video consultation in general practice during COVID-19: a register-based study in Denmark. BJGP Open, 8(2).

Lüchau, E. C., Atherton, H., Olesen, F., Søndergaard, J., & Assing Hvidt, E. (2023). Interpreting technology: Use and non-use of doctor-patient video consultations in Danish general practice. Social Science & Medicine, 334, 116215.

Lüchau, E. C., Olesen, F., Atherton, H., Søndergaard, J., & Hvidt, E. A. (2024). The invisible work of video consultation use in Danish general practice: An ethnographic study. Digit Health, 10, 20552076241291333.


Articles on how video consultations affect vulnerability and social inequality:

Kirk, U. B., Høstrup Vestergaard, C., Hammer Bech, B., Bondo Christensen, M., Kallestrup, P., & Huibers, L. (2024). Video consultation in general practice during COVID-19: a register-based study in Denmark. BJGP Open, 8(2).

Lüchau, E. C., Olesen, F., Atherton, H., Søndergaard, J., & Assing Hvidt, E. (2024). Caring remotely through “fitting”: video consultation use in Danish general practice. Health. Accepted.

Last Updated 23.12.2024