News from the Research Unit of General Practice
PhD Oral Defence Session - Cand.mag. Elle Christine Lüchau
PhD Oral Defence Session - Isabella Pernille Raasthøj
PhD Oral Defence Session - Tobias Anker Stripp
PhD Oral Defence Session - Tobias Anker Stripp Title: "Spiritual needs in Denmark – A population-based survey linked to Danish nationwide registers" on March 22 at 15:00 at DIAS auditorium V24-501a-0, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M.
Needs of multimorbid heart failure patients and their carers:
- a qualitative interview study and the creation of personas as a basis for a blended collaborative care (BCC) intervention
ESCAPE – European project concerning multimorbidity and mental health
Researchers from the Research Unit of General Practice have just returned from the yearly consortium meeting on the ESCAPE project.
ESCAPE – European project concerning multimorbidity and mental health
Researchers from the Research Unit of General Practice have just returned from the yearly consortium meeting on the ESCAPE project.
Remuneration and motivation in general practice
What motivates general practitioners – and how do they respond to different types of reimbursement?
Catch -a-Researcher
Meet the Research Unit of General Practice on 26 April from 15:30 – 18:00 in WP25.
Catch -a-Researcher
Meet the Research Unit of General Practice on 26 April from 15:30 – 18:00 in WP25.
Clinic of Research & Education
The Research Unit of General Practice at SDU invites all GPs, doctors in training, medical students, and others interested in launching a symposium for a new practice network for clinical education & research. Wednesday, March 8, 2023 in Esbjerg from 15:00-18:00
FEA is on Twitter
In order to spread external knowledge of the unit's work, the Research Unit of General Practice now has a Twitter account