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Publikationer fra eMindYourHeart

Indtil videre er der publiceret følgende på projektet:

  1. Pedersen S.S., Andersen C.M.A., Ahm R., Skovbakke S.J., Kok R., Helmark C., Wiil U.K., Schmidt T., Olsen K.R., Hjelmborg J.,  Zwisler A.D., Frostholm L. (2021). Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a therapist-assisted web-based intervention for depression and anxiety in patients with ischemic heart disease attending cardiac rehabilitation [eMindYourHeart trial]: a randomised controlled trial protocol. Study protocol of a multicenter randomised controlled trial. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 21, 20 (2021), DOI:10.1186/s12872-020-01801-w.
  2. Schmidt T., Kok R., Andersen C.M., Skovbakke S.J., Ahm R., Wiil U.K., Frostholm L., Pedersen S.S. (2021). Development of an internet-delivered program and platform for the treatment of depression and anxiety in patients with ischemic heart disease in eMindYourHeart. Informatics for Health and Social Care, DOI: 10.1080/17538157.2021.1878185.
  3. Helmark C., Ahm R., Andersen C.M., Skovbakke S.J., Kok R., Wiil U.K., Schmidt T., Hjelmborg J., Frostholm L., Frydendal D.H., Hansen T.B.,  Zwisler A.D., Pedersen S.S .(2021). Internet-based treatment of anxiety and depression in patients with ischemic heart disease attending cardiac rehabilitation: a feasibility study (eMindYourHeart). European Heart Journal – Digital Health, DOI:10.1093/ehjdh/ztab037.

Sidst opdateret: 07.05.2021