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Research unit of OPEN - Open Patient data Explorative Network

Grant given to research in diabetic eyedisease

The project is conducted in close cooporation with OPEN researchers

Jakob Grauslund, professor at the Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital and the head of the research department for ophthalmology at the University of Southern Denmark, has received a grant of 6.7 million from the VELUX Foundation, to study the connection between diabetic eye disease and a long list of other diseases. The grant from the VELUX Foundation is given to the projected Ocular and Systemic Complications in Diabetic Retinopathy Study (OASIS), which is a large registry based research project that contains data from DiaBasen and a range of other Danish registries. DiaBasen, which is a quality database with information about diabetic eye disease for 200.000 patients, is linked to the Danish registries to study of the risk for diabetic eye disease is higher or lower, if the patients simultaneously have other diseases or receive various treatments.

The project will be conducted in close cooperation with registry researchers from OPEN as well as a range of other leading Danish and foreign experts which includes eye specialists and diabetic experts.


To read more about the project see the description of the project on OPEN’s website here or the website of the University of Southern Denmark’s news feed here.

Editing was completed: 22.10.2019