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Research unit of OPEN - Open Patient data Explorative Network

Lars Soegaard - Responsible for OPEN data management of five psychiatry projects (RESCueH)

Lars Soegaard was employed as new data manager for OPEN on August 1st...

Lars Soegaard, will in close collaboration with OPEN's other data managers participate in the daily operation of OPEN's Oracle server and database including database design, development, performance optimizing, data security and back up. Furthermore Lars is responsible for the five RESCueH psychiatry projects which have recently been included in OPEN. Lars will perform OPEN's tasks related to these projects (import and export of data via different platforms, international collaboration, education of interviewer's etc.). Lars is therefore contact person for the RESCueH projects.

Lars Soegaard is a graduate in computer science and has 13 years of experience in the IT business. Among other things he has worked with Oracle, participating in all phases of the development process and subsequently was responsible for the operation and management of the systems.

Editing was completed: 28.08.2013