Cancelled! OUH TALKS on register based research
Unfortunately, this talk has been cancelled due to illness. A new date will be announced soon. OUH TALKS by Jennifer Harris, adjunct professor at OPEN, Department of Clinical Research, SDU
Join OUH TALKS on November 8th 2017, online or in the Clinical Building at OUH for a talk of register based data.
Find more information regarding OUH TALKS and how to participate here:
Much greater than the sum of its parts: fulfilling the promise of Norwegian Health Registers
Data infrastructure is one of the most essential considerations for accelerating scientific innovation and improving health care. In recognition of this imperative Norway’s strategy for its national health registers has changed dramatically. In 2017 the National Health Register Project, aimed at modernizing and coordinating health registers, was discontinued. A new follow-up project, called the Health Data Program (Helsedataprogrammet) was established and provides a more comprehensive and robust approach for managing health data, including the national health registers. Its goal is to maximize the utility, accessibility and safety of national health data for research. The Health Data Program is managed by the Directorate for eHealth and conducted in cooperation with the Directorate of Health, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and the Regional Health Authorities. The work includes collaboration with the Norwegian Research Council, Statistics Norway, the universities and college sector plus the business community. The scope of Health Data Project is ambitious and large; there are many challenges, diverse stakeholder perspectives and opportunities. These issues will be discussed through a presentation of the Health Data Program for Norwegian Health Registers.