Along with the general (computer) technological development, research on computational thinking and computational literacy has gained a stronger foothold within the field of educational research – drawing attention to the need for teaching computational thinking and skills, which should allow learners to better understand and act within a world (and professional life and practice) often influenced by computer technology. As such, teaching computational literacy skills is happening at many different levels of education. Whether it is creating computing courses for non-computational science majors , or teaching computational thinking in public schools. However, teaching computational literacy skills within an educational context with the intention of providing students with the skill set needed to better understand, use/interact with, modify and create computer-based technology in other (professional) contexts of their lives, will require some form of transfer, transformation and resituation of these skills.
This article aims to examine possible transfer issues in relation to teaching computational literacy skills in software and web development education. In addition, the chapter illustrates what role context and situativity plays in relation to teaching computational literacy skills - a field typically expected to be governed by a high degree of compositionality.
For more information about transfer of computational literacy skills, you can find the full article in Designing for Situated Knowledge Transformation, N. B. Dohn, S. B. Hansen, & J. J. Hansen (Eds.) Abingdon: Routledge.