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Robot technology has in recent years moved into public school. The question is why it is relevant to work with robots in the school and whit is the learning outcome? Why should students deal with robots? The question is the task of didactics to answer, putting the robot didactics on the line. This article examines several pedagogic designs of the project Fremtek, where teachers have experimented with developing courses with humanoid robots, a kind of educational robots. One of the pedagogic designs which are covered is for pupils to be able, to use the robot as a tool, for developing programming skills/literacy in a non-STEM subject. 

Robots function as educational content is analyzed with Frede V. Nielsen’s four educational content categories: Educational content as a phenomenon, as a context, as an activity and methodology, and as a personal and social experience field. The goal is to develop a critical and creative reflection on and discussion of robotics as a goal and a means in schools and other educational institutions.

The article is available here (Danish).

Jens Jørgen Hansen. (2015). Tema 1: Robotdidaktik. Læringsrobotter som indhold i undervisningen. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 8(14).