Be part of creating the story of the 'future of the rural areas'
New summer school focuses on rural future.
Ideas and narratives about villages and rural areas tend to draw on the past and play on a divide between town and country.
In the dominant narratives, rural areas are therefore generally in decline, while prosperity and progress only happen in urban areas.
However, these narratives are misleading and together with ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius we want to discuss new perspectives and approaches to the question of what rural areas are and what they should be in the future.
This will take place at a summer school in the Danish-German border region from 19 to 23 September 2022.
The summer school aims to strengthen networking and cooperation between practitioners, researchers and local actors in Denmark and Germany, among other countries.
If you work with, research or are interested in rural areas, read more and register for the summer school here.
NOTE: The application deadline has been extended to July 10, 2022.