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Knowledge Exchange

The members of the research group are productive and well-cited authors whose publications appear in highly ranked journals, both general sociology journals and thematic journals (such as Journal of Rural Studies, Social Movement studies, European Journal of Sport and Society etc.) and in international anthologies. Furthermore, the applied and cooperative approach of the group implies an on-going knowledge exchange with the surrounding world. This takes place in the following ways:

1. Involvement in practice-oriented projects, for example in local communities, often using participatory research methods.

2. Publication of easily accessible and highly applicable reports, often with the aim of contributing to specific policy areas, such as rural, social and digitalisation policies.

3. Giving talks to municipalities, interest organisations, voluntary associations, trade unions etc.

4. (Pro)active presence in the media.

5. Organising seminars and workshops, e.g. for municipal employees.

6. Publication of feature articles in national and regional newspapers.

7. Publication on blogs, in electronic media etc.

Members of the Research group participate actively in the Danish Sociology Association (Dansk Sociologi Forening) and in the editorial board of the Danish Sociology Journal, Dansk Sociologi.