The MERE Research Group contributes to several peer reviewed journals
The Management and Economics of Resources and Environment (MERE) Research Group has contributed to several peer reviewed journals in the field of fishery, environment, and risk management.
Kourantidou, M.,Hoagland, P., Dale, A. and Bailley, M (2021) Equitable Allocations in Northern Fisheries: Bridging the Divide for Labrador Inuit, frontiers in Marine Science 8,
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Phillip J. Haubrock, Paride Balzani, Shin-Ichiro S. Matsuzaki, Ali Serhan Tarkan, Melina Kourantidou,Peter Haase (2021) Spatio-temporal niche plasticity of a freshwater invader as a harbinger of impact variability,Science of The Total Environment,
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Md Takibur Rahman, Rasmus Nielsen, Md Akhtaruzzaman Khan and Dewan Ahsan (2021) Perceived Risk and Risk Management Strategies in Pond Aquaculture, Marine Resource Economics, 36 (1): 43-69
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Kourantidou, M and Kaiser, B.A. (2021) Allocation of research resources for commercially valuable invasions: Norway's red king crab fishery, Fisheries Research 237
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Kaiser, B. A., Kourantidou, M., Ahsan, D. et al (2021) Global ecological and economic connections in Arctic and sub-Arctic crab markets in Marina Policy, vol 127:
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Brinmann, J., Li, Q., Karasik, R., Quaas, M.F. and Smith, M.D. (2021) An age-structured Backward-Spending Supply of Fish: Implications for Conservation of Bluefin Tuna in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists:
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