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Inspiring future medical students and scientists

The two young researchers from FLASH, Mie and Nikolaj, had the chance to give an inspirational and academic talk to a total of 150 students from ‘Akademiet for Talentfulde Unge’ (ATU) at the University of Southern Denmark.

Mie and Nikolaj’s workshop concerned the projects of FLASH and clinically research within health science in a broader perspective. The students of ATU had the chance to hear how the clinically research of today is evaluated and validated. Furthermore, the diet-based REDUCTION project was mentioned, as an example of how a specific project is conducted in a practical and scientific sound manner.

ATU is an extracurricular activity for Danish students in their upper secondary education. The students of ATU are selected for the programme based on their academic merits and motivation. The ATU workshops are meant to inspire the students to pursue a degree or career within science and academia.


Mie Balle Hugger presents FLASH

Editing was completed: 07.03.2019