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DRIVEN - Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science

Why you should take the stairs: 3-4 pulstops daily will prolong your life

Prof. Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani explains the concept of VILPA in an article in Vid&Sans

"Why you should take the stairs: 3-4 pulstops daily will prolong your life" is the topic of the article written by Professor Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani in cooperation with journalist Jonna Toft for the news media Vid&Sans.

Vid&Sans is a news media that uses researchers and research to explain current topics and events.

In the article Cecilie explains the research behind 'VILPA', Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity and how it turns out that small, intense bursts of physical activity can prolong your life - for example, when sprinting for the bus, walking quickly up a steep staircase or a hill, or playing tag with the children.

The concept behind VILPA has been developed by an international research group that Cecilie is a part of. It consists of colleagues from the University of Sydney and other internationally leading researchers from universities in Australia, England and the USA.

You can read the article in Vid&Sans (in Danish)

Editing was completed: 14.03.2023