Gyldensteen Strand – large scale managed realignment of agricultural land – Aage V Jensen Foundation – 2020-2026.

ARCADIA – International research project focusing on nature based solutions and climate adaptation- Horizon Europe- 2024-2028
Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet- Forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt vedrørende inddigede kystnære områders potentielle CO2-emissioner og samspillet med N- og P-omsætningen – Miljøstyrelsen 2023-2024
REWRITE - Rewilding and restoration of intertidal sediments ecosystems for carbon sequestration, climate adaptation and biodiversity support”, Horizon RIA, Cluster 5 Climate. 2023-2027
ECONUT – Eco designing for the coastal zone nutrients’ circularity - Interreg South Baltic 2023-2026
ClimatePol- will identify the regional institutional drivers and barriers for addressing climate change and adaptation in the border region- Interreg South Baltic 2024-2027.
Poseidon- will develop and test practical climate adaptation solutions across the border with Germany- Interreg South Baltic 2024-2027.