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Research unit of OPEN - Open Patient data Explorative Network

New student worker at OPEN

Mathias Rabæk Christiansen is affiliated to OPEN as student worker pr. 1st December 2014

Mathias Rabæk Christiansen is going to assist in the administrative part of OPEN and will in the beginning, mainly, be a part of transferring OPEN’s projects into a new system, translations and other administrative work.
In September 2012, Mathias started as a student at University of Southern Denmark in Odense, where he is currently a Negot. English bachelor student. Through his study, he has built up abilities in English, marketing and IT, which he will use in his administrative tasks at OPEN. He finishes his bachelor degree in the summer 2015 after which he plans to continue with a master’s degree.
Editing was completed: 13.01.2015