4-7 June 2024, Odense, Denmark
Polariton Science Conference 2024
Featuring invited talks from emerging and renowned international research leaders, the conference will focus on the state-of-the-art and future directions of polariton-driven nanoscale light-matter interactions across diverse fields. The conference is supported by the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) and the University of Southern Denmark.
Conference Book
Conference Book
Please find the conference book with all abstracts and information the program, conference venue & Odense
End of conference
80 researchers from more than 30 research groups joined the conference in Odense to present results within the research field of polariton-driven nanoscale light-matter interactions
Conference topic
Polaritons are quasiparticles originating from the strong coupling of electromagnetic waves with dipole-carrying matter excitations; these can be plasmon oscillations of free electrons in metals, excitonic electron-hole pairs in semiconductors, or even phonon lattice vibrations in crystals. Polariton science embraces the mutual coupling of light and matter—colloquially, part-light part-matter excitations—governed by a rich interplay of electrodynamics and quantum physics.
Topics include:
Quantum plasmonics
Nonlinear nano-optics
Strong coupling
Electron-photon interactions
Ultrafast and non-equilibrium collective phenomena
Thermo-optical phenomena
Polaritons in two-dimensional materials
Nanoscale quantum electrodynamics
Tunable quantum light sources