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Center for War Studies


The Center for War Studies is an interdisciplinary research environment striving for research that is at the same time academically excellent and relevant to society. We do not privilege particular theoretical or methodological approaches, instead we encourage research breaking disciplinary boundaries and challenging methodological orthodoxy. In the development of publications and research projects, we place an emphasis on starting with a significant research problem – to be identified vis-a-vis societal/policy challenges and/or theoretical gaps relevant to the disciplines represented in CWS: international relations (IR), history, law, arts and culture.

We actively engage with the wider society through dissemination of our research and in political and societal debate with diverse audiences. This includes a wide range of activities, from providing consulting to international organizations and national ministries, publishing in international and national media, to engaging in outreach activities with students and local and regional associations.

We have a very successful research track record of international quality publications and prestigious external grants. Currently, we host the following externally funded projects:

Research Hub for Scandinavian Intelligence Studies (INTELHUB)  ( 1. February 2022 – 31. January 2025) Funder: Carlsberg Foundation. Amount: DKK 4.980.800. Project leader: Kira Vrist Rønn

Transforming Norms Research through Practices: Weaponised AI, Norms, and Order (AUTONORMS) (1 August 2020 - 31 July 2025). Funder: European Research Council. Amount: €1.5 million. Project leader: Ingvild Bode

Protection Complexity: How EU, UN and AU practice protection of civilians (PROTEX) (1 October 2019 – 30 September 2023). Founder: Danish Council for Independent Research. Amount: DKK4.6 million. Project leader: Chiara De Franco

Transforming Armed Forces in the 21st Century (2017-2021). Funder: Carlsberg Foundation. Amount: DKK3.9 million. Project Leader: Olivier Schmitt


The Logic of Informal Security Cooperation: Counterterrorism Intelligence-sharing in Europe (LINSEC) (1 September 2020 – 31 August 2022). Founder: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme / MSCA-IF. Amount: €219,312. Project leader: Aviva Guttmann

Grey zone statecraft: Dynamics of 21st century liberal and authoritarian states (1 January 2018 – 31 December 2021). Funder: Carlsbergfondet. Amount: DKK1.4 million. Project Leader: André Ken Jakobsson

The Coming Multi-Order World - Power, Principles and Practice in Times of Transformational Change (1 February 2020 – 1 March 2022). Funder: Carlsbergfondet. Amount: DKK:1 million. Project Leader: Trine Flockhart

Learning from Afghanistan (2018-2022). Funder: Danish Council for Independent Research. Amount: DKK848.840. Project Leader: Olivier Schmitt

NATO Vulnerabilities of the Drone Age: Strategic Foresight Analysis out to 2035 (June 2020 – December 2021). Funder: NATO SPS. Amount: DKK 380,000 DKK. Project leader: James Rogers


CONNECTIONS: Interdisciplinary War Studies Sculpture Exhibition (December 2020 – December 2022). Funder: Albani Fonden. Amount: DKK199,995. Project leader: James Rogers


Lethal autonomous weapons systems and norms (1 February 2019 - 30 August 2021). Funder: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. Amount: GBP 20,000. Project Leader: Ingvild Bode

Learning from Afghanistan (2018-2022). Funder: Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Amount: DKK174.000. Project Leader: Olivier Schmitt


When is a War a War? NATO’s Response to Grey Zone Conflict (September 2021 – December 2021). Research stay at NATO Defence College in Rome, Italy. Funder: Independent Research Fund Denmark. Amount: DKK119.269. Project Leader: Amelie Theussen


Competing Logics of Protection: How the EU practices protection of civilians (1 February 2020 – 15 August 2021). Founder: Danish Council for Independent Research. Amount: DKK98.000. Project leader: Chiara De Franco

Last Updated 15.03.2024