International Seminar on Philosophical perspectives on Eco-Bildung
Invitation to the International Seminar on Philosophical perspectives on Eco-Bildung 23 May 2024, Odense, Denmark.
The research seminar will discuss the essence and relevance of the Bildung-tradition with regards to being helpful (or not) today and/or in need of being rethought, reimagined and/or redone in face of the Anthropocene and the ecological crisis of today.
As a working term we propose Eco-Bildung (Ecological Bildung). What could this term mean? Why do we need or not need such a term and concept? How can and/or should (Eco)-Bildung be understood, studied and/or cultivated (in schools and elsewhere) today?
The seminar will be followed up by a special issue on Eco-Bildung.
Sign up for the seminar: https://event.sdu.dk/ecobildung
The research seminar will discuss the essence and relevance of the Bildung-tradition with regards to being helpful (or not) today and/or in need of being rethought, reimagined and/or redone in face of the Anthropocene and the ecological crisis of today.
As a working term we propose Eco-Bildung (Ecological Bildung). What could this term mean? Why do we need or not need such a term and concept? How can and/or should (Eco)-Bildung be understood, studied and/or cultivated (in schools and elsewhere) today?
The seminar will be followed up by a special issue on Eco-Bildung.
Sign up for the seminar: https://event.sdu.dk/ecobildung