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Research Unit of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Odense)


Here you can find an overview of projects between students at SDU and the Research Unit of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Odense) in the past five years


There have been no projects with bachelor students in the past five years, but please feel free to contact us if you wish to collaborate on a project



Absence from Work during Pregnancy: A qualitative study among health care workers exploring the psychosocial strain in the work environment when having on-site pregnancy care

Student: Laura Nikoline Bæk-Petersen

Supervisors: Lars Brandt, Ditte Gommesen, Ellen Nøhr,  Lars Brandt

Advice on returning to work after orthopedic surgery - A systematic review

Student: Binefs Yoldas

Supervisor: Lars Brandt

Silicose (stenlunger) – hvem er i risiko, hvad er prævalensen i høj- og lav-indkomstlande og hvad kan der gøres for at forebygge silicose

Students:  Kjersti Alexandra Skovli og Pia Paloma Vasquez

Supervisors: Erik Jørs, Iben Brock-Jacobsen

To describe risk groups, differences and backgrounds for the prevalence of silicosis in high and low income countries, and describe preventive measures

Students:  Manizha Popal

Supervisors: Lars Skadhauge, Erik Jørs

Asbestrelaterede lungesygdomme globalt – hvem er udsat, hvad er hyppigheden og forskellene mellem høj- og lavindkomstlande?

Students:  Elin Dons og Bendik Farstad

Supervisors: Erik Jørs, Søren Glud Skousgaard

Kan pesticider forårsage diabetes? Hvorfor – hvordan og i hvilket omfang?

Student: Kaja Danielsen

Supervisors: Erik Jørs, Søren Glud Skousgaard

Forebyggelse af pesticidforgiftninger i lavindkomstlande: Hvilke muligheder og forhindringer er der og hvor effektive er de?

Students: Sladjan Sakotic og Susan Rafati

Main supervisor: Erik Jørs

Globalisering af tekstilproduktionen, hvad betyder det for arbejdsmiljøet og hvordan forebygges arbejdsskader og forurening!

Students: Anne-Marie Castanares Skaara og Axel Henry Daniel Oxwall

Supervisors: Erik Jørs, Line Tannert

Healthcare system in Denmark and Cuba. A Comparison

Student: Ahmed Issa

Supervisor: Erik Jørs

Are first responders mentally affected by their work? – A systematic review of the prospective evidence

Student: Rasmus Vestergaard Lillemose Hansen

Supervisors: Nina Beck Hansen, Jesper Pihl-Thingvad

Betydningen af debriefing for danske betjente (The importance of debriefing for Danish police officers). Et empirisk baseret studie fra betjenenes perspektiv

Student: Sisse Ratz

Supervisor:  Nina Beck Hansen

Ethnocultural treatment challenges in psychotherapeutic treatment of traumatised refugees.

Student: Ida Flø Jensen

Main supervisor:  Nina Beck Hansen

Silicose og TB i miner

Student: Gusten Stelborm

Supervisor: Erik Jørs, Iben Brock-Jacobsen

TB and Health Care Workers in Developing Countries

Students: Heidi Solheim og Heidi Andersen

Supervisor: Erik Jørs, Søren Glud Skousgaard

TB and Health Care Workers in Developing Countries

Students: Ragnhild Østgård og Lise Hansen

Supervisor: Lars Skadhauge, Erik Jørs     

Pesticider & Forgiftninger

Students: Sigrid Isakson og Trine Storkås

Supervisor: Erik Jørs

Pesticidlovgivning og effekten af denne 

Students: Andreas og Tiril Tegland

Supervisor: Erik Jørs

The batte of Hercules and Hydra – A critical examiniation of the diagnostic concept of schizophrenia.

Student: Esben Dahl Mathiasen

Supervisor: Nina Beck Hansen

Kan natur påvirke stress? En teoretisk analyse af den mulige effekt af natur på længerevarende stresstilstande og mulige implikationer for det psykologfaglige arbejde med stressramte

Student: Thomas Stensgaard Skare

Supervisor: Nina Beck Hansen


Research year - undergraduate student

There have been no projects with undergraduate students in the past five years, but please feel free to contact us if you wish to collaborate on a project

Last Updated 20.10.2023