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Research unit of OPEN - Open Patient data Explorative Network

New PhD-student at OPEN

Andreas Rieckmann is affiliated with OPEN as a PhD-student with the project:”Long-term non-specific effects of BCG and smallpox vaccinations”.

Andreas Rieckmann graduated as MSc. in 2014 at the University of Copenhagen. On January 1st 2015, Andreas started his PhD-project at OPEN entitled: "Long-term non-specific effects of BCG and smallpox vaccination". The project deals with the research field of non-specific effects of vaccines, where it has been observed that live attenuated vaccines is associated with reduction in morbidity and mortality, which cannot be explained by protection against the vaccine's target disease. The project aims to examine the long-term effects of the vaccines against tuberculosis and smallpox on survival, infectious diseases and melanoma among adults in Denmark and Guinea-Bissau. Five studies are scheduled, all based on questionnaires and records. Main supervisor is Henrik Ravn, associate professor of biostatistics at OPEN.
Editing was completed: 18.05.2015