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Factsheet by Martin Wirenfeldt Nielsen

Group name: Wirenfeldt group
Group leader: Martin Wirenfeldt Nielsen
Group members: 1 – Martin Wirenfeldt, clinical associate professor and attending physician
Department & University/Hospital/Other: Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark
Funding sources: Currently only departmenalt funds.

Description of research:
Scientific profile: Neurobiology and neuropathology focusing on experimental murine models for studying neuroinflammatory conditions and in particular microglial ontogenesis following axonal lesions.
Additionally various other projects including synapse loss in dementias, heterotopic Purkinje cells in ataxia-telangiectasia, and neuropathological findings in hereditary spastic paraplegia.

Key publications (last 10 years):
1. Pehrson C, Hertz JM, Wirenfeldt M, Stenager E, Wermuth L, Kristensen BW (2017). Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 8 - neuropathological findings. Brain Pathology in press.

2. Thomsen BB, Gredal H, Wirenfeldt M, Kristensen BW, Clausen BH, Larsen AE, Finsen B, Berendt M, Lambert sen KL (2017). Spontaneous ischaemic stroke lesions in a dog brain: neuropathological characterisation and comparison to human ischaemic stroke. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica 59(1):7.

3. Kundu A, Wirenfeldt M, Harreby KR, Jensen W (2014). Biosafety assessment of an intra-neural electrode (TIME) following sub-chronic implantation in the median nerve of Göttingen minipigs. The International Journal of Artificial Organs 37(6):466-476.

4. Babcock AA, Wirenfeldt M, Finsen B (2013). Quantification of microglial proliferation and apoptosis by flow cytometry. Methods in Molecular Biology 1041:129-145.

5. Bottini AR, Gatti RA, Wirenfeldt M, Vinters HV (2012). Heterotopic Purkinje cells in ataxia-telangiectasia. Neuropathology 32(1):23-9.

6. Lambertsen KL, Deierborg T, Gregersen R, Clausen BH, Wirenfeldt M, Nielsen HH, Dalmau I, Diemer NH, Dagnaes-Hansen F, Johansen FF, Keating A, Finsen B (2011). Differences in Origin of Reactive Microglia in Bone Marrow Chimeric Mouse and Rat After Transient Global Ischemia. Journal of Neuropathology and Ex-perimental Neurology 70:481-94.

7. Wirenfeldt M, Babcock AA, Vinters HV (2011). Microglia – insights into immune system structure, function, and reactivity in the central nervous system. Histology and Histopathology 26:519-530.

8. Clare R, King VG, Wirenfeldt M, Vinters HV (2010). Synapse Loss in Dementias. Journal of Neuroscience Research 88:2083-90.

9. Wirenfeldt M, Clare R, Tung S, Bottini A, Mathern GW, Vinters HV (2009). Increased activation of Iba1+ mi-croglia in pediatric epilepsy patients with Rasmussen's encephalitis compared with cortical dysplasia and tu-berous sclerosis complex. Neurobiology of Disease 34:432-40.

10. Lambertsen KL, Clausen BH, Babcock AA, Gregersen R, Fenger C, Nielsen HH, Haugaard LS, Wirenfeldt M, Nielsen M, Dagnaes-Hansen F, Bluethmann H, Faergeman NJ, Meldgaard M, Deierborg T, Finsen B (2009). Microglia Protect Neurons against Ischemia by Synthesis of Tumor Necrosis Factor. The Journal of Neurosci-ence 29(5):1319–1330.

11. Wirenfeldt M, Dissing-Olesen L, Babcock AA, Nielsen M, Meldgaard M, Zimmer J, Azcoitia I, Leslie RGQ, Dagnaes-Hansen F, Finsen B (2007). Population control of resident and immigrant microglia by mitosis and apoptosis. The American Journal of Pathology 171:617-631.

Key collaborations:
Currently collegues at SDU and OUH: Kate Lykke Lambertsen, Bettina Hjelm Clausen, Morten Meyer, Birgitte Schmidt Astrup and Bjarne Winther Kristensen

Special resources in this group include the combination of intellectual expertise in both basic neurobiological research and clinical neuropathology.
Currently no special technical equipment is used by the group.

Department of Clinical Research - Faculty of Health Sciences - University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 9254

Last Updated 29.03.2022