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Factsheet by Niels Bilenberg

Group name: Center for NeuroDevelopmental Disorders –Odense
Group leader: Professor Niels Bilenberg
Group members: 3 Professors, 1 Ass.professor (MD,PhD), 3 Postdoc (MD, psychologists), 3 PhD-students, 3-5 Research ass., 1 Research nurse, 10-12 Clinicians (multi-professions), project-manager, datamagager
Department & University/Hospital/Other: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Department. Mental health Hospital in Region South.
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Funding sources: Research fund at Mental Health Hospital in Region of Southern Denmark, Tryg-fundation, Socialstyrelsen, Jascha fonden, a.o. A number of applications are submitted.

Description of research:
Center for NeuroDevelopmental Disorders (CNDD) is a research-intensive clinical unit in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Department, Odense. The center engages clinicians and researchers side by side. We collaborate with the adult psychiatric research unit and a number of research units / departments at Odense University Hospital and at the University of Southern Denmark. In particularly we have a very close collaboration with the Center for Brain Re-search (BRIDGE) (Brain Research - Interdisciplinary Guided Excellence - a col-laboration between Psychiatry in Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark).

CNDD follows four main paths; 1) epidemiology (birth cohort, clinical cohorts), 2) etiological research, 3) intervention research and 4) rehabilitation (integrated care).
CNDD aim at being "Centers of Excellence" in 2-3 years - the first of its kind in Denmark - and a significant competitor in Danish and international Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Numerous of studies/protocols are running or in preparation. We recrute all children and adolescents referred for assessment and treatment in the clinical neuroteam (about 500 patients a year).

Key publications (last 10 years):

1. Nordenbaek C, Kyvik KO, Skytthe AE, Bilenberg N. Efficiency of a small size screening instrument in identifying children with au-tism spectrum disorders in a large population of twins. Epidemiology Research International 2011, ID 412150, 8p (
2. Rasmussen CS, Nielsen LG, Petersen DJ, Christiansen E, Bilenberg N. Adverse life events as risk factors for behavioural and emotional problems in a 7-year follow-up of a population-based child cohort. Nord J Psychiatry 2013 May 22.
3. Nordenbaek C, Jorgensen M, Kyvik KO, Bilenberg N. A Danish population-based twin study on autism spectrum disorders. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2013 May 10.
4. Mossin MH, Aaby JB, Dalgård C, Lykkedegn S, Christesen HT, Bilenberg N. Inverse associations between cord vitamin D and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms: A child cohort study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2016 [Epub ahead of print]
5. Hvolby A, Jorgensen J, Bilenberg N, Actigraphic and parental reports of sleep difficulties in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008; 162:323-329
6. Hvolby A, Jorgensen J, Bilenberg N. Parental rating of sleep in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Eur Child Ado-lesc Psychiatry 2009; 18(7):429-38.
7. Bilenberg N, Hougaard D, Norgaard-Pedersen B, Nordenbaek CM, Olsen J. Twin study on transplacental-acquired antibodies and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder - A pilot study. J Neuroimmunol 2011, 236:72-75
8. Madsen GF, Bilenberg N, Cantio C, Oranje B. Increased Prepulse Inhibition and Sensitization of the Startle Reflex in Autistic Children. Autism Res 2013 Oct 4;10.
9. Madsen GF, Bilenberg N, Jepsen JR, Glenthøj B, Cantio C, Oranje B. Normal P50 Gating in Children with Autism, Yet Attenuated P50 Amplitude in the Asperger Subcategory. Autism Res. 2015 Jan 20. doi: 10.1002/aur.1452. [Epub ahead of print]
10. Cantio C, Jepsen JR, Madsen GF, Bilenberg N, White SJ. Exploring 'The autisms' at a cognitive level. Autism Res. 2016 Apr 19. doi: 10.1002/aur.1630. [Epub ahead of print]
11. Dam ME, Kolmos KK, Bilenberg N. Does Test Dose of Central Stimulant Influence Continuous Performance Test (CPT) and Ac-tivity in Boys with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Clinical Psychiatry (ISSN 2471-9854), 2016, Vol.2 No.3:13.
12. Hvolby A, Bilenberg N. Use of Ball Blanket in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder sleeping problems. Nord J Psychiatry 2011 Apr; 65(2):89-94. Epub 2010 Jul 22.
13. Pagsberg AK, Jeppesen P, Klauber DG, Jensen KG, Rudå D, Stentebjerg-Olesen M, Jantzen P, Rasmussen S, Saldeen EA, Lau-ritsen MB, Bilenberg N, Stenstrøm AD, Pedersen J, Nyvang L, Madsen S, Lauritsen MB, Vernal DL, Thomsen PH, Paludan J, Werge TM, Winge K, Juul K, Gluud C, Skoog M, Wetterslev J, Jepsen JR, Correll CU, Fink-Jensen A, Fagerlund B. Quetiapine versus aripiprazole in children and adolescents with psychosis - protocol for the randomised, blinded clinical Tolerability and Effi-cacy of Antipsychotics (TEA) trial. BMC Psychiatry. 2014 Jul 11;14(1):199. [Epub ahead of print]
14. Vlaskamp C, Oranje B, Madsen GF, Møllegaard Jepsen JR, Durston S, Cantio C, Glenthøj B, Bilenberg N. Auditory processing in autism spectrum disorder: Mismatch negativity deficits. Autism Research. 2017 Jun 22. doi: 10.1002/aur.1821. [Epub ahead of print]
15. Sjo CP, Stenstrøm AD, Bojesen AB, Frølich JS, Bilenberg N. Development of Metabolic Syndrome in Drug-Naïve Adolescents After 12 Months of Second-Generation Antipsychotic Treatment, Jour. of Child and Adolescent psychopharmachology, 2017 Aug 7. doi: 10.1089/cap.2016.0171. [Epub ahead of print]

Key collaborations:

Danish: BRIDGE

International: KIND (Karolinska Institute NeuroDevelopment); Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL;

Last Updated 29.03.2022