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Marianna Lanari

Postdoc, Department of Biology

I am an oceanographer with a Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography from the Federal University of Rio Grande. I am a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Southern Denmark working in the NordSalt project.

I am interested on coastal plant communities and their influence on ecosystem functioning. In my bachelor and master projects, I investigated the structure and dynamics of subtidal macroalgal communities to understand the mechanisms through which biodiversity may stabilize aggregate community properties in rocky reefs. During my Ph.D., I shifted my research interests to estuarine systems and the occurrence of drift macroalgal blooms (i.e., green tides). As part of the Long-Term Ecological Research program in southern Brazil (BR-LTER), my thesis focused on the environmental factors driving the onset, magnitude and persistence of green tides in shallow areas and the impacts of algal biomass accumulations on nutrient recycling and widgeon grass meadows. More recently, as a postdoctoral researcher in the BR-LTER, I further expanded my research lines to include salt marsh plants and estimations of carbon sequestration. I am also interested in ecological data management and sharing.

Marianna Lanari