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Ella Logemann

Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology, Applied Plant Ecology


I am doing my PhD in the ‘Applied Plant Ecology’ working group at the University of Hamburg. My main focus will rely on saltmarsh biodiversity and how it is linked to carbon fluxes. Therefore, I will cooperate with Nordsalt and other ongoing projects.

I have a broad interest in functional, restoration and coastal ecology. Working with marine environments is a long going interest and I feel a deep connection to coastal ecosystems. Especially tidal wetlands fascinate me, since they are a very dynamic system that constantly change. Understanding the main mechanism that cause these different scenarios is complex and challenging. Recently where global change became a big topic and the urge to take action increased, unknown variables need to be clarified thus more investigation is needed. During my PhD I want to connect basic data within this specialized topic and answer the question how biodiversity in saltmarshes influences carbon fluxes. So far biodiversity hasn’t been accounted when investigating blue carbon potential of European saltmarshes.