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KMEB biomedical laboratory scientist to win national award

Camilla G. W. Poulsen and her group won the national prize for best bachelor project between other newly graduated biomedical laboratory scientists


Hi, my name is Camilla G. W. Poulsen and I’m a new member of KMEB. I am a newly graduated biomedical laboratory scientist from Odense, and started my new job at KMEB 1 August.

This September my final project for my bachelor degree won a national prize for  best bachelor project among other newly graduated biomedical laboratory scientists. The project was atypical as it focused on biomedical laboratory scientist student’s feeling of belongingness while in their clinical placements, and on which factors impacted their feeling of belongingness. Soon my group and I will begin to write an article about the topic.

Camilla Poulsen
Editing was completed: 25.09.2023